Pricing is based on the total number of students in the grade level at your campus. We confirm with your district on campus grade level student totals.ONE PRODUCT LICENSE PER GRADE AND PER CAMPUS.
 We email PDFs within 1-3 days of receiving your order!
For each product, we will be emailing a customized PDF blackline master with your school name on each page to a single email address on your campus and the copying rights to the product for your students. Our copyright license does not expire, so you can use our products year after year with no additional licensing fees. |
Home > Shop > Payment Options
Purchase Order
We prefer you email a copy of the PO to [email protected] but if needed our fax number is 512-310-2267. Please include your email for emailing the PO items. If you do not receive a the PDF(s) within 5 days, please call us to make sure we received your order. If you have any additions questions on school or district orders, visit School Districts or call us today.
Check or Money Order An individual, school or district may pay by check. After a phone order or PO is received and confirmed, an invoice will be mailed for payment within 30 days. A email address is needed for emailing the PDFs.
Make checks or money orders payable to
Credit Card by Phone We accept phone credit card orders. Please do not email your credit card information. A paid-in-full invoice will be mailed with your PDF(s). A email address is needed for emailing the invoice.
Credit Card through the Website We no longer use an online store. Please call us at 512 733-2257 to receive a quote or place an order. |