Pricing is based on the total number of students in the grade level at your campus. We confirm with your district on campus grade level student totals.ONE PRODUCT LICENSE PER GRADE AND PER CAMPUS.
 We email PDFs within 1-3 days of receiving your order!
For each product, we will be emailing a customized PDF blackline master with your school name on each page to a single email address on your campus and the copying rights to the product for your students. Our copyright license does not expire, so you can use our products year after year with no additional licensing fees. |
Home > FAQs
Q: Do we accept a Purchase Order from schools?
A: Absolutely! Most of our schools prepare POs.
Q: Is an approved vendor by my district?
A: We are an approved vendor in over 900 districts in Texas. Check with your secretary or district staff. If we're not yet an approved vendor, contact us and we'll be happy to work with you. A W-9 and Sole Source Letter are on our website for your convenience.
Q: Have an approved PO ready?
A: We prefer you email a copy of the PO to [email protected] but if needed our fax number is 512-310-2267. Please include your email for emailing the PO items. If you do not receive the PDF(s) within 5 days, please call us to make sure we received your order.
Q: How long does it take before we receive our order?
A: Once we receive a PO, we email the PDFs within 24 hours. If you do not receive the PDF(s) within 5 days, please call us to make sure we received your order.
Q: Do you accept school credit cards?
A: Yes, most schools paying by credit card need to call or fax the information securely. Please DO NOT send credit card information via email. Please call us and we will take your credit card information over the phone.
Q: Can I just call to order and pay over the phone?
A: Yes, just prepare your order and call with your credit card information ready.
If you have an approved PO, we prefer you email a copy of the PO to [email protected] but if needed our fax number is 512-310-2267. Please include your email for emailing the PO items. If you do not receive the PDF(s) within 5 days, please call us to make sure we received your order.
Q: Am I safe using the website and the shopping cart options?
A: We do our best to protect your privacy and payment information so we no longer take order through the website. Please call us to order at 512 733-2257. No information is shared or sold. Visit our Privacy Policy page for more details.
Q: We were interested last year and called and got a quote. Have the prices gone up?
A: As of July 1, 2022 the new prices for our products are in effect. If you did not process a PO or order by that time, the new item numbers and prices need to be used. Call for an updated quote.
Q: We have 8 teachers but only 4 teach math. I can order the 4 or fewer license, right?
A: At this time, only if you have greater than 250 students in the grade will you need to order the higher price version. We use the number of students as a guide to estimate student body which the TEA publishes. Please order the correct license. We call your school, visit your website or contact your district office to confirm the size of your school and if you order the lesser license, your order may not be processed.
For EOC Algebra I only, pricing is based on the total number of Algebra I students on your campus. EOC Algebra licenses are available for up to 250 students per campus or greater than 250.
Q: Does each teacher in my grade need a separate license?
A: No, currently our license is for each grade level in each school. The school owns the license, not the teacher, and sharing or emailing the PDF to another school is a violation of our Copyright Policy. Licenses are available for up to 250 students per grade or greater than 250. Please order a quantity of (1) per grade of the correct item number based on the total number of students in the grade.
For EOC Algebra I only, pricing is based on the total number of Algebra I students on your campus. EOC Algebra licenses are available for up to 250 students per campus or greater than 250.
Q: What do we get when we purchase a product from
A: You will receive one PDF blackline master and the copying rights to the product for your students. Our copyright license does not expire, so you can use our products year after year with no additional licensing cost. Q: We need more product information? Where do we get that?
A: Click on the links for the current products. Detailed information about each product and ordering links are on those pages.
Q: Does the Daily Rigor™ license mean I get the Spanish version, too?
A: No, a license for any Spanish version must be purchased separately unless your grade purchases a COMPLETE bundle which include both English and Spanish products. The only exception is the Numeracy Power-Up series which contains 25-30 supplemental pages upon request for your bilingual students.
Contact Us
Q: I have questions or comments, how can I contact
A: Please email [email protected] or call us at (512) 733-2257. We are interested in what you think about our products.